An unlikely friendship unfolded at the Twala Trust Animal Sanctuary in Zimbabwe, where an orphaned vervet monkey named William has found solace in a rescue kitten named Marble. William lost his mother and arrived at the sanctuary in need of comfort and companionship. He found just that in Marble, a gentle kitten who also was recovering from trauma and the loss of her own mom.
Watch the video above to see the unlikely friendship develop at the animal sanctuary
According to the sanctuary, Marble offered William "the gentle nurturing" he was craving. The duo quickly became inseparable, with footage capturing their adorable cuddles and Marble's soothing purrs as William clings to Marble's soft fur.
While William and Marble's bond is undoubtedly special, William's ultimate goal is to return to the wild. The sanctuary plans to gradually integrate him into a troop of monkeys once he's older and stronger.
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